The Davis Daily

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Rollin', rollin', rollin'...

Although in my case that should be "Flyin', flyin', flyin'". I have a couple of trips coming up that's going to limit my blogging time (and since posting is my gig and not Craig's I have to do it), so I'm taking a few mins during lunch to post what's new.

We've been spending a lot of time at my grandpa's old place, renovating and such. My mom is going to have a new tenant beginning in Sept so we're trying to it all done by then. Craig's dad Bill has done a TON over there...if it weren't for him I don't know how much would even be done. And it's turning out soooo nice over there. I'll post pics of it next week when we finish.

Maximo has finally learned to roll over. I haven't seen it yet, but that's what Angie tells me. Last time I saw him he was 3/4 of the way there, he just kept getting his arm stuck underneath him. He's so awesome...everytime I think about him I just smile. : )

Work is still crazy for the both of us. I was supposed to go to Houston for a day on Tuesday to meet my new boss, but it looks like she's going to come to Cleveland instead. But I'll be in NYC on Sept 10-11 (that feels weird) and in Chicago on Sept 19th (Rachel's birthday). I'm excited because I haven't been to either place; I just wish that Craig was able to take off of work and school to come with me. : (

Hmmm, what else? Max's sister May is really close to her due friend Kathy is getting to the end too (she's due on Halloween. How awesome would it be to have a birthday on Halloween?!? Imagine the parties that you can have!). I have my 10 year high school reunion in October, and we have two weddings in November (one in NY wine country). So this fall is ramping up to be pretty busy.

We have a bunch of projects that we (meaning: me) want to do this fall/winter. On the definite list: new front doors since ours are warping and drafty, patch and re-paint the downstairs, and the bathroom. On the nice to do list: the basement (which now has mold from our little flooding experience), the ceiling in our bedroom, and the office. So we'll see how much time and money we have to get these done. And I know that I still need to post pics of my yard, so I'll get those up soon too. Although I'm going to have to redo the lawn since it's all weeds...

I guess that's it for now. I have to get back to work since I need to leave a bit earlier since I'm off tomorrow (going to Boston!) so I gotta run.



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