The Davis Daily

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Busy busy busy...

Oh, it's been so crazy lately. New job means a TON of training and I was out of town the last two weekends (first I was out of town for work, and last weekend was Craig's family reunion in PA). Plus working on my front yard (missed my mid-June deadline and finished end of June) took a lot out of me too. And now some of the plants are dying (maybe because it hasn't rained in about 2 months) and there's a bunch of weeds in the new grass. Personally, I think I got bad topsoil. Oh well, I'll just yank them and re-seed in the fall.

Anyhoo, I really don't have a lot to post right now...I just wanted to throw up a quick note so people didn't think that I forgot about my little blog. And now I am going to cheat a bit and put up some pics of baby Max that I stole off of Angie's website. Peace out!



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