The Davis Daily

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Almost done!

Yay, 6 weeks after beginning work on our front yard we're almost done!! This past Saturday I had new topsoil, grass seed, and straw delivered so I could begin planting the new grass. I began at 10:30 a.m. and 8 hours later, everything was in. And as a bonus I got a MAJOR sunburn on my shoulders (and since I very rarely burn you know it had to have been bad).

It was the most perfect day though: clear blue skies, 75 degrees, light wind. Even though this has been mainly my project I did have some help. Craig and my neighbors (Jason, Angel, and their 2-year old) helped lay down the straw. It was so funny (and cute) to see this little kid just go to town with throwing straw everywhere. And then I put Craig on clean-up duty. :)

I'll post some before and after pics once the grass starts coming through. To recap on what I did: I killed the grass by Jason and Angel's driveway and filled it with stone, built a flower bed/retaining wall in the front, got rid of all the old grass and added new topsoil and planted new grass seed, and planted shrubs, plants, and flowers in the appropriate places. I want to put a tree on the tree lawn but the one I want (Japanese maple) goes for around $250, so that'll wait.

Adios muchachos!


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