The Davis Daily

Monday, April 02, 2007

The view from the top...

Greetings from gorgeous Cleveland, Ohio! It's such a beautiful day that I had to take some pics from my office. I work on the 39th floor of the BP Building and when it's nice outside here's what I get to see (for those not in Cleveland it's Lake Erie):

It's really cool because from up here you get a bird's eye view of what the weather is like (or what it's going to change to). I've seen the lake freeze over, I've seen blizzards blowing in off of the lake, I've seen a wall of rain coming in, and I've even seen a black cloud that was freakishly close to being a tornado envelop the building and turn everything pitch black. So in all it's a pretty cool place to be. :)

One of the coolest things I've ever seen while up here is when fog rolled in on a sunny day. The fog was so low that we could actually look down on it; it looked like fluffy cotton balls blanketing the city. Here's some pics and yes, even though they look professional they were all taken by me. : )

So when people ask me if I get nervous working so high up on the 39th floor (especially after 9/11), I just think of all the things I've seen and say no. I get more nervous on the elevator ride up than working up here! That's because I've gotten stuck on an elevator before and it FREAKED ME OUT. Ever since then I really don't like elevators. Plus I heard a statistic that more people die in elevator accidents annually than those who skydive. And since I've skydived successfully...

Anyhoo I must get back to work. But before I bid adieu I have one last picture to share. I hope everyone can get outside at least once today and enjoy the weather!


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