The Davis Daily

Monday, January 01, 2007

Another New Year...

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that all of you had a safe but kick-ass New Year's Eve. Craig and I went to Angie and Max's for dinner and then went to Jason and Angel's (our next-door neighbors) to party like rock stars (well, not really. I thought that sounded better than saying "We drank a lot all night."). It was a really cool, mellow night. Put it this way: any time I leave a party after trying to learn to play drums and with a cut on my thumb (don't ask. It'll just make me sound stupid.) you know it was good times. Seriously, Craig and I sometimes feel like we hit the neighbor jackpot...they're such cool people to hang with and really good people and friends.

As we all know, a new year means a new set of resolutions to make and break by the end of January. Hopefully I can make mine last a bit longer, and maybe if I put them up here for all to see it'll keep me more motivated. So in no real particular order here they are:
  1. To be happy and healthy. Really, it's that simple and that's all I want. Although I wouldn't refuse any extra cash that comes my way.
  2. To get my finances under control. This year was really tough for Craig and I, and for a while we were essentially living on just my salary. So now it's time to pay the piper.
  3. To advance in my career. This isn't even a resolution anymore; it's a flame of hope that I nurture in my heart.
  4. To make peace with all the changes that's happened in my life. It's easy to dwell on what I've lost and how life can be unfair, but I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. Nothing I've endured has killed me and has only made me stronger. I've learned so much in the past 2 years that I freakin' feel like Yoda. But I just have to believe that good things will come (one for sure: baby Max in late April/early May!).

So hopefully we'll see how these pan out this time next year. One thing I did want to clarify: some people have expressed concern to me about if I'm seriously ill because I keep mentioning having health issues. Here's the lowdown: my thyroid is underactive (essentially dead) so I have to take medication to have a functioning metabolism. While most people think of metabolism as being weight-related, your thyroid also helps metabolize things like cholesterol. So it's important to make sure that my thyroid works so I can try to stabilize my weight, cholesterol, sleep patterns, and body temperature. Second, I have something called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Basically it's a bunch of miniscule cysts on my ovaries that totally throw my hormones out of whack and cause other symptoms too. And finally, I'm pre-diabetic. Diabetes does run in my family and while my sugar levels are high, they're not high enough to qualify as being diabetic. So now I have an oral form of insulin 2x a day which has REALLY helped. Being pre-diabetic also explains why I've gained 30 pounds in the last 2 years and why I feel so lethargic and blah all the time (and I thought I was just being lazy). My doc wants me to lose 30 pounds by May, and just being on the insulin alone has helped me lose 10 already since the middle of November. Yes, all 3 are interconnected but once I start losing more weight the pre-diabetes should clear up. If you REALLY want to know more just go to and look for info there. My fingers hurt.

So that's the scoop for now and why my one goal is to just be happy and healthy. I hope you all have a great night have a kick-ass beginning to a new year!


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