The Davis Daily

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Meet Milo

Hello friends! Some of you may have not had the exquisite pleasure of meeting me, but my name is Milo and I own the house that Roxanne and Craig (aka Mom and Dad) live in. I don't know why it's taking Mom so long to put pics of me on their site, so I took matters into my own paws and did it myself. So here are some pics of me...Mom says I'm hellacious but I say I'm lovable. I also answer to "Doggie!", which is what my neighbors' kid calls me.

As for what mix I am, all I know for sure is that my mom was a beagle since I came from a shelter. The doc on my payroll thinks that my dad could've been a greyhound or whippet. I'll never know since as Mom and Dad like to joke around, my mom was "a lady of the night." Yeah, funny. At least I'm not named after a hooker, ROXANNE.

This is how I looked when moved in with Mom and Dad. Even then they were annoying...

I was Mom's Valentine's gift to Dad in '05. She keeps saying that she's gotten him better gifts.

Yeah, this is how people know me. They don't mess with me once they see my chompers.

But when no one's around this is what I'm really like:



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