The Davis Daily

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

So it's that time of year again where we think about what we have and what we are thankful for. It's no secret to those who know me that the last two years, and especially the last six weeks, have been especially trying and difficult. I've lost people I loved, either by death or by distance. Money's been tighter than I'd even like to admit. And having Milo as a pet will test anyone's sanity. : )

But despite all of the above, despite all of the heartache that I've endured (along with my families), I still have so much to be thankful for. My mom is proving me right as to why I've always called her my hero. I'm going to be an auntie for the first time next spring (which I cannot WAIT for!). Craig and I are doing OK and Milo is finally calming down. I'm relatively healthy. : ) We have our house. And I've fully realized how blessed I am to have so many great friends and family. With everything that's happened lately I've been so lucky to have friends that let me lean on them, call to vent, call to cry, or who are just there to help me smile and laugh. I would like to name you all here, but it'll either take too long or I'll forget someone and then they'll be mad at me. So I'll just say that those of you who know what's going on in my life and who have helped me through it, thank you. Without you guys I'd probably either be a) drunk a lot, or b) weeping hysterically every day. You guys, along with my family and Craig (especially), keep me sane and appreciative of what I do have in my life. And when I compare what I have to what I have lost, I'm still a very lucky person.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, and I hope you all are aware of what you're thankful for...even if it doesn't seem like much just remember that it can always be worse. Now go eat some pie!!


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