The Davis Daily

Monday, August 13, 2007

A week of firsts...

The theme for this posts is "a week of firsts". We've had a few things happen this past week that was the first time that they had happened (obviously). We have the first time we lit our fire pit in the backyard, the first time I babysit Maximo all day, and the first time our basement flooded. Yes, you read correctly, our basement flooded.

I'll start with the least fun one first: the basement. Last Tuesday we had torrential downpour in the morning...I think we got 2 inches of rain in half an hour. Anyhoo, that much rain that fast caused the storm sewers in Parma to backup and flood people's basements. Water flowed into our basement via the storm drain and covered the entire basement. I think we were lucky though...when Craig got home at 4 most of it had receded so it just looked like we had spilled a few buckets of water down there. And I think that it helped that we had a bunch of area rugs down there to soak up a lot of the water (and you can bet Craig won't yell at me anymore to get rid of some of them...I saved our basement by holding onto those rugs!).

Some people we know weren't so lucky: first, I think that our entire street had flooding because everywhere you looked that night there were professional cleaners and people just throwing all sorts of stuff out on the tree lawn. Our neighbors Angel and Jason had up to 10 inches at one spot in their basement. And since he is in a band, he had a bunch of band equipment down there that got soaked, along with a bunch of stuff for their kids like 100 diapers. The band stuff is OK, but their water heater got flooded and they had to get a new one, replacing the water heater they just bought less than a year ago. Our other neighbors had about 5 in of water AND sewage in their basement. And this is just a few months after they spent like three grand refinishing the basement for their kids. Neighbors across the street also had around 6 inches, give or take a few. My friend Melanie, who lives 5 min away, had hip deep water in her basement. So Craig and I count ourselves to be very lucky indeed to not have had as much flooding as others did. We totally know that it could've been a lot worse.

So after that experience Angel, Jason, Craig, and I decided that we needed to have a night to chill and relax (more for them than us). So on Friday we grilled out, had a few beers, and then lit our brand new fire pit. Craig and I weren't going to get one until we redid our backyard next summer, but this one is really cool and was on sale for a really good price. When I have a sec I'll put up some pics of it.

And finally, this past Saturday was the first time that I got to babysit Maximo all day while Angie and Max were at a wedding. As much as I love and adore him, he is a little stinker!!! When it was time for him to go to bed he would just fuss and cry. For almost 3 hours I did nothing but hold him and walk around with him. Just when I thought he was sleeping, I laid him in his crib and he woke right up. But this time he was laughing and giggling so I couldn't be mad (not that I was anyway, but my back was getting sore from holding him so much). That is, until he looked me right in the eyes while laughing and smiling, that he took a HUGE crap in his diaper that I'm sure the neighbors heard. It was like he was looking at me going, "Heh heh heh, watch this." Even then I thought that it was funny, but man, that diaper...

Anyhoo, it's been a pretty crazy week again. I can't believe that it's the middle of August already! Before I know it it'll be time to start working on our fall and winter projects, and going to weddings and other events. *sigh* Well, I can't say that life is boring...

Adios muchachos!


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