The Davis Daily

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!

FINALLY, some pics (courtesy of Kristen's camera) from a tour a bunch of us took a couple of weeks ago. The tour is called Haunted Cleveland, and we went to spots in the Lakefront area that are allegedly haunted. We didn't really see anything while we were there but some of the pics make you wonder. It was sooooo fun, because we had such a fun group of people: Brian, Kim, Brian's friend Don and Don's wife Kathleen, me, Craig, Kristen, Jeff, and our friend Chris. We were like the bad, smart-ass group that would make fun of what we saw and make smart-ass comments the whole time. So it was great. :) The other cool part was that our tour was beig filmed by Channel 3 news for a segmet to air on TV. But I can't seem to find the link anywhere...

Anyhoo, here's a selection of some of the pics that were taken. Some of the pictures where you see white "orbs" are just dust, but others (if you enlarge the pic) you can see are not solid and seem almost plasma-like. Just my opinion though...

Ghostbusters circa 2007:

From the William G. Mather:

From a sunken sub off of Lake Erie (and if you're wondering why there's pics of Jeff and Chris climbing out of the holes, it's because it was soooo funny to see guys who were 6'2" and 6'5" respectively trying to climb out of these really small spaces. Kristen and I laughed and laughed...):

Squires Castle:

Erie St. Cemetary (right across from Jacob's Field). This was one of the top two creepy. If you look closely at some of the orbs (or blow up the pic) you can see that they are not solid, sorta plasma-like:

And finally, Franklin Castle, allegedly the most haunted place in Cleveland. It is under construction right now but is still supposedly haunted:

Now, this was the freakiest thing of the whole night. I was taking a bunch of random shots at Franklin Castle. Look at this series of pics, focusing on the curtain to the left in each shot. Note that there were no open windows or anything to cause a breeze. That room was in fact closed off but someone opened it (and no one went in). This gave Kristen goosebumps when she saw it:

If anyone wants any of the pics from the tour I can make you a copy of the CD that has the pics; just let me know.


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