The Davis Daily

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

It's the end of (Milo's) world as I know it...

*Deep, heavy sigh* I never thought Mom and Dad would do this to me, but apparently I wasn't enough for them so they went out and got me a brother (shakes head). His name is Otis and here's a pic of him:

He looks a lot like me, right? Well, except for the colors. They got him from the Cleveland APL yesterday, so he and I spent time trying to get used to each other. Even though he's a little smaller than me (39 lbs to my 45), he's pretty feisty and doesn't like to take my bullying. He's already slapped me in the face!! He also doesn't like to share and has snapped at me a couple of times when I took a toy he wanted (but Moms put him in his place. Hee hee.). But for the most part we're getting along OK...he seems to want to do everything I do, just like a little brother!! Follow me around the house, go outside when I do, sleep on my couch. Yes, SLEEP ON MY COUCH!!! But I figure I'll be nice and let him get used to everything since he came from a shelter and all and probably doesn't even know what a couch is, much less all the destructive things you can do to one. Good times...

Anyhoo, it seems to be going OK so far. I feel sorta bad for him since he came from a shelter in Indiana and he's only a little over a year old, so I'll cut him some slack. Mom and Dad keep saying that this'll be good for when there's a baby and then I won't feel neglected. Wha???? At least there's no baby on the way yet or I'd really be out of sorts. Here's some pics of my brother and me below, and for the record: I don't know if he'll be posting anything here. Mom said it depends, and that since I do such a good job she may just leave it up to me. We'll see...

Here I got him in trouble by getting him to jump on Mom and Dad's bed. Hee hee!

Hey buddy, don't start getting too comfortable on my couch...

Aw hell no! That's MY couch by the window!

You son of a %^$#!!!

Fine. I'll share.

I will slice you in your sleep.

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Blogger Aimee said...

Oh, cuuuties! Congrats on your expanding doggie family!

9:35 AM  

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