The Davis Daily

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Happy belated New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Sorry this is pretty has been crazy and by the time I get home all I want to do is crash on the couch. Anyhoo, this year for New Year's I went to dinner with Angie and Max's family (Craig had to work till 6 that day). After that Craig and I went over to Angel and Jason's again, but it was more mellow this year, mostly because Angel was sick with a cold (a cold that I ended up catching. And now that I think about it, I think the reason I've been so sick this winter is because I had a flu shot. I've never had a flu shot and have been fine, but the year I get one I catch everything that comes my way.).

But I digress. It's now time for a new set of resolutions and to see how I've done with last year's. I'm going to list them here with a status update in red:

1. To be happy and healthy. Really, it's that simple and that's all I want. Although I wouldn't refuse any extra cash that comes my way. Accomplished! My thyroid and sugar levels are perfect and though I still have some weight to lose, my blood chemistry is more important (and if that says I'm healthy then that's fine by me).
2. To get my finances under control. This year was really tough for Craig and I, and for a while we were essentially living on just my salary. So now it's time to pay the piper. Although things could be better, we've made some strides in paying off some debt. The extra cash that came our way this year went mostly for home improvements, but once we get our tax refund I'm planning on banking some and paying off more debt with it.
3. To advance in my career. This isn't even a resolution anymore; it's a flame of hope that I nurture in my heart. We all know how this turned out. :) I got a new job in June, and it has made things so much better for me both personally and professionally.
4. To make peace with all the changes that's happened in my life. It's easy to dwell on what I've lost and how life can be unfair, but I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. Nothing I've endured has killed me and has only made me stronger. I've learned so much in the past 2 years that I freakin' feel like Yoda. But I just have to believe that good things will come (one for sure: baby Max in late April/early May!). Check. I've totally accepted my new life and feel like there are so many more good things to come my way. All those cliches are true: "You have to go through darkness to see the light," "It can always be worse," and What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger."

So now here are my resolutions for 2008:
  1. To become a mommy. Everything I do this year will be tied into that: eating better, exercising more, etc. I've never really had the baby itch, nor did I feel like I had to have one after Angie had Maximo (that awesome little boy). But now I am feeling that a baby would make me and Craig more of a family, and it's something that I'm really hoping for and looking forward to.
  2. Take better care of myself. In reference to first point, that includes eating right, exercising more, getting enough sleep, and not be stressed out about unimportant things.
  3. Further advance in my career. My new goal is to become a research analyst at my firm. Cross your fingers...
  4. Go to church more often. I admit that I slacked off in going last year (and my faith wore a bit thin), but I want to reconnect to my faith again.
  5. Pay off some more debt, at least 20-50% of our total debt by end of year.
  6. Update this blog more often. I know I've slacked lately but I'm hoping to do at least 3x a month.

So we'll see how these pan out this time next year. My ultimate goal is to just be happy and healthy, and for my loved ones to be as well. I have to get going now...I have to work tomorrow even though it's a holiday for my firm, since I'm going to NYC on Wednesday.



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