The Davis Daily

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The final phase has begun...

Our new carpet is finally being installed as I type!!! Yippee!!! It was supposed to have been done this past Thursday, but the guy who did the measuring didn't let the installers know that part of the floor needed to be levelled. So they had to level on Thursday and are now finishing today. And once they are done I can finally post the before and after pics.

I think that after the carpet we're good on the projects for a's getting a tad tight and I think we've done enough for one year: new landscaping, new front doors, and redo the living room area. Plus the holidays are here and I don't want a bunch of dust and debris all over my decorations. :)

I already have our projects lined up for next year: priority is the bathroom, since no matter what we do we keep getting mold in there. So that's probably in the spring. I do want to redo our bedroom's made of these cheap cardboard tiles and there's some water damage from when the roof leaked. And then the backyard. That REALLY needs to be's totally unlevel and there's a ton of holes from roots we have found back there. Although that will be easier than the front yard, since I think we're going to hire someone to help with levelling and we're going to lay sod instead of plant seed. And I think we're going to put in a stone patio too...I grew up with both front and back porches, and it drives me crazy that I have nowhere to sit outside. So yay. :)

Anyhoo, I've gots to get going now and see how the carpet is going. Once the carpet is done I'm hoping to post some pics tonight.



Blogger Aimee said...

Yes, I have fond kid-memories of chilling on those front and back porches with you and J and A. :) :) :)


2:35 PM  

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