The Davis Daily

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

One of the hardest things to write...

On Monday, Oct 1st my parents officially divorced after 28 years of marriage. I've thought about for a while if I wanted to post anything about it, and I figured I would (for all my fans who are wondering how we're doing). :)

I'm actually doing fine...I've totally accepted what's going on and the changes in my life and moving on. I know that I have a lot to look forward to so I'm not really dwelling on what's happened. I know that this may be semi-controversial, but this isn't the worst thing that's ever happened to me. I've seen a parent bury his child and to me nothing is worse than that. So I know that there are worse things in life than my parents splitting up.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not glad that my parents are divorced but nor do I want them back together. I think that my mom is better off without my dad. I can't say vice versa but that's only my opinion. I'm not going to use this post to bash anyone (sorry mom) but it's no secret that I'm sad, hurt, and disappointed as how things were handled on both sides. This whole situation could've been handled a lot better on both sides, with a lot more honesty and openness. It wouldn't have erased the hurt and betrayal but it would've helped. Along with an apology.

On the flip side, this whole experience had made me truly cherish and value my mom, Angie and Rachel, Craig (and by extension Milo), my friends, and my extended family (blood-related or not). We're all so much closer having gone through this together, and I wouldn't trade that for anything. My mom has her moments where I just want to move to Australia, but for the most part she's held up OK...just recently she's sorta backslid into depression. Hopefully she'll see and realize that she has so much to live for and be happy little Maximo. That awesome, wonderful little boy. And me. Seriously, how can you not be ecstatic to have me in your life???

I don't think I'd ever be able to willingly walk away from my entire family for any reason. I love them all so much and the thought of living life without them scares me more than anything. I can't speak for my mom and sisters, but I think that for the most part we're all OK and moving on. This whole ordeal has changed me in so many ways...I've tried very hard not to be bitter or full of hate and I think I've done that OK. I have my moments, but I really don't regret anything I've said or done. Even before this happened I had the mindset of appreciating everything that you have, and this has only reinforced that. I may not have my dad in my life anymore but I'm OK with that. Really and honestly. There's no point in me moping and whining about what I can't change so I try not to. Not to say I don't miss him but that's just the cards life dealt and I have to deal with it.

So I guess to make a long story short: we're OK, I'm OK, I love everyone very much, and you never know what life is going to throw at you. :) Thanks to everyone who's ever heard me bitch and moan and cry, and who has given me a shoulder to cry on. And to those who have drank many a beer (or stronger) with me while ruminating on life's mysterious ways. You guys rock.

Take care and just keep in mind: THE INDIANS ARE ONE GAME AWAY FROM GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES!!!!!!!!! If they actually get there and win it all I think I may have to be hospitalized...I told Craig that if they get there we're going no matter where we sit or how much it costs. Just remember to GO TRIBE!!!!!


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