The Davis Daily

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Shot in the arm, the flu's to blame...

So the reason there hasn't been anything new for a while is multi-pronged: we've been finishing our downstairs area (once the carpet is installed on the 15th I'll post pics of our remodel), it's still crazy at work, and I've been sick. I don't think that I had the flu per se, although it started off like it. I think it started as a mild case of the flu, and then it segued into a sinus/respiratory infection. Basically I've been super congested so I've been coughing up a storm and blowing my nose 24/7. Plus I've been really tired from getting up during the night to cough and drink water.

I am feeling loads better now, especially since I went to the doc on Friday and he gave me the above diagnosis. Plus some high-dosage pills to break up the rest of the congestion. And I also had to get not one, but two shots: one a flu prevention and the other a pneumonia prevention (since I'm pre-diabetic I'm at a higher risk of catching pneumonia. Yeah, that was news to me too.). And my arm is sooooooooooo sore. Plus the meds are breaking up the congestion like they should be, so now I'm coughing even more. Poor Craig...he'd heard me do nothing to cough and sneeze and hack for the last week.

Anyhoo, I don't want to make this all about my health, so once I feel a bit better and have some time, I'll put up a more interesting post.

Stay healthy!


Blogger Aimee said...

Roxanne, feel better soon. :)

10:55 PM  

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