The Davis Daily

Friday, November 30, 2007

Details from my follow-up...

So I had my 6-month checkup this past Wednesday for my thyroid and sugar levels. I was kinda nervous since I haven't really lost a lot of weight, maybe like 7 pounds, and I was already considered to be pre-diabetic. And these conditions really impact not only my ability to have kids, but to carry them to term without major health problems (and future health problems for myself).

When I finally saw my doc (an hour late; he was 5 patients behind when I got there) I was REALLY nervous. We talked about how I was feeling and such, like how was the stress level in my life (it was all I could do to not laugh at that question), what changes I've made (I've been eating a LOT better), etc. And when he asked about kids, I told him it would depend on what happened at the appt. And his response?

"Your thyroid levels are perfect, your blood sugar levels are perfect, and your cholesterol has dropped 26 points since May. All your blood work from your kidneys to your liver to your hormones are normal (yeah, they tested everything). If you want to go and have kids, there is no reason medically speaking why you can't."

Woooooo-hoooooooo!!!!!!! I was calling all my friends to tell them not only was I healthy, but that now kids look to be in the near future. :) Yes my friends, Craig and I think that we are as ready as we are ever going to be to have a couple of munchkins now. We'll probably start trying after the holidays and see what happens. All I care about is that both the baby and myself are healthy.

So that's my news for now. Thanks to everyone who has wished me well and prayed for me (mom). Love ya!


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