The Davis Daily

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Back I am, bitches

Ha ha, you guys like the Star Wars reference?? Pops told Mom to take a picture of me all tangled up in the blanket because he thought I looked like Yoda. Correction: Yoda looks like ME.

Anyhow, how've y'all been? I know that you guys have missed me, especially around the holidays and stuff, so I told Moms that I want to post more of my updates like she does for her stuff. So here I am. Haven't been up to too much lately, just enjoying all the treats that Santa Paws got me for Christmas and my birthday (although I know that Santa Paws is really Dad. You'll see how I found out below.). So instead wasting your time with silly words and expositions on life (although that would be a good post: life from Milo's perspective), here's some pics that Mom took of me.

This is what THOSE PEOPLE (Mom and Dad) made me sleep on while the new carpet was being installed a few months ago. Not only were my couches missing, but I HATED walking on the cold wooden floors. I have very sensitive paws, you know.

After the carpet was installed I went to check it out. If you think that I look like the master of my domain, you're right. I told Mom and Dad to NEVER pull at stunt like that again:


Sometimes I like to lay like this to stretch. Other times I like to call it "Rockin' out with your ....." well, you know the rest:

And finally, how I knew Daddy was really Santa Paws. You can tell by the hat and the belly (I kid Dad, I kid!). It kinda ruined whatever innocence I had left. But you can still see that I'm smiling so hard that my eyes are closed!

So I guess that's it for now. I don't think that there's much coming up this year, but Mom and Dad keep talking about making me a babysitter or something? I don't get it. I sit like a baby all day. Oh well, I can never understand half the stuff they say anyway (and nor do I care).

Till later, fools.



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