The Davis Daily

Friday, September 21, 2007

I'm back bitches!

What is UP, my peeps? I haven't been around in a while so I thought I'd put up some pics of my summer so far. Since my mom apparently doesn't have time for me anymore, I have to post this myself. It's nicer when she does it though, since NOT EVERYONE IS BORN WITH OPPOSABLE THUMBS, MOM.

Ahem, sorry about that. I'm still a bit cranky since I had to go to the emergency animal clinic last night. I waited till about 8:30pm to start coughing and vomiting what looked like blood, not a lot, just enough to freak Mom out and make her think I was choking on something. And since her and Pops had just come back that morning from a day trip to Chicago I had to do something to keep them awake with me (they had been up since 4am that day to make their 6am flight back home). Anyhoo, the vet found nothing wrong with me, gave me a painkiller shot, and sent me home with antibiotics just in case. And she sent Mom home with a bill for $132. (Heh heh, that'll teach you guys to go out of town without me again.)

But I digress. Here are some pics of what I've been up to lately, for all my fans out there.
Take it easy, and just remember: Who loves ya baby?

Mom calls this one my "mature doggy" look, since it looks like I got a little goatee action going on :

Damn bitch, what did I say about using that flash?!?

Just beyond this fence: sweet, glorious, freedom

Hey kids, get off my lawn!

Eh, forget it, I'm tired.

If I've told you once I've told you a million times: the man is mine.

My cousin Molly came by to play and go for a walk. She lives with Bill and Debbie so this is the first time I got to meet her.

Here we are discussing ways for our evil cousin Robby to "accidentally" get loose and therefore get "accidentally" lost:

Damn, we are some effin' good lookin' dogs:


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sometimes you wanna go, where everybody knows your name...

There's nothing like a group of girls from Cleveland let loose in Boston (especially when none of us have ever been there). And that's what a bunch of us did, going to Boston for Hazel's bachelorette party. I took over 100+ pics, so in my first post of the trip here are some highlights, with my commentary of course.

Mine and Angie's breakfast (and doesn't she look like she had a rough day?):

Fran, Monica, and Lori:

Angie and Hazel in front of the Cheers cast poster:

The best part of our itinerary, the $2 Sam Adams brewery tour!

After the tour we got to sample some of the brews. Notice the size of our glasses:

And then look at Angie's:

Just kidding! She had a regular one like me:

They told us that we needed to stop and smell the beer to enjoy it:

Screw that!!

One of my life goals is to try every single one of these:

P.S. If you notice that we look all hot and sweaty, we were. It was literally 100 degrees that day and sooooo humid, and we walked around for about 10 hours, so we felt pretty gross. Just wanted to throw that out there so no one thought that we were sloppy drunks. :)