The Davis Daily

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Where does time go???

Hey Everyone! I feel like such a liar, since I said that I would do another post Thanksgiving weekend but I never got around to it. It's been kinda hectic lately, with the holiday season and all. But I will be off of work the week between Christmas and New Year's, so hopefully I'll have time to post some pics too (although I can't find my camera battery charger, so I can't even turn the thing on).

There's not a whole lot going on with us...we're getting kind of lame as we get older. :) Just living life and doing our holiday thing. Still no baby for us (for those of you wondering), but I'm on month three of fertility meds so hopefully that'll work. Everything looks to be OK with with both Craig and I, so I figure it's just a matter of timing (and probably stress on my part). I have to admit I'm kinda bummed it's taking this long, although I knew that this could happen due to my thyroid. But I have a really good doc who is determined to help me get pregnant, so I figure it'll happen when it's supposed to. I've pretty much decided to stop worrying about it and let it happen. :)

While we don't have any human babies, we do have two canine ones. Milo and Otis actually have a post they are putting together, so keep an eye out for that. And then as we all know, Christmas is next week. I'm actually really excited this year...Maximo should be old enough to know how to unwrap gifts and have fun with his toys. And even though Craig and I scaled WAY back this year, of course I went overboard on my nephew!! It's you get older you get more and more jaded and the holidays don't feel that special anymore, but once there's a kid involved it's fun again! Seriously, I babysat him the other night and had a blast just watching him watch TV! Plus he's really starting to talk now so it's really cool to hear him verbalize thoughts and such. I love him. : )

I guess that's it for now...I'm kinda beat after baking and cooking all day so I'm headed off to bed. Talk to you guys later!

Peace out.


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