The Davis Daily

Monday, July 28, 2008

Our London adventures - Day 2

Hello!! Today Craig and I got off to a much better start than yesterday. We were up early at 8am UK and were out of the room at 9:10. We found the right bus to take us to the correct train station, so we got to downtown OK. We had a glitch in getting on our first tour (basically it was that we don't have a printer in our room, so we couldn't print out or tix till we got down there. And they're a bit more stringent than we would be in the U.S. I had the confirmation number and everything, but it didn't matter.). Anyway, we got it straightened out and hopped on our first tour, a tour that took us past all the big sights in London.

Due to the little time we have here, we didn't have time to go into some places that we wanted, like Buckingham Palace or the Tower of London. But the tour was soooo comprehensive, and I got some really good pictures. Plus it was really nice out today, a little warm, but great for pictures and walking around. Some of the places we got to see were: Tower of London, part of Buckingham Palace (only the side since the street in front is closed to vehicles for security purposes), Big Ben, the London Eye, British Parliament, Westminster Abbey, and a bunch of other things I can't remember right now (hey, it's 12:30 am here). We also did a couple of tours of the Thames River so we got to see the above from another vantage point as well.

After those tours, Craig and I took a break for a late lunch before our next tour about Jack the Ripper (see the story of Jack the Ripper here: We found a cool place that was quite yummy, and guess what I had? Bloody risotto!!!!! Actually, risotto with chicken and asparagus, and those who watch Hell's Kitchen will understand my excitement about eating risotto in London, specifically Angie, Jeff, and Kristen. :) The food is quite yummy, but like a lot of things here, expensive. Ah well, at least we got a good deal on our room!

After our lunch we walked around a bit to see what kind of shops there are, and there are some that sell some really cool souvenirs. And something else that I found while we were walking around today? Diet Pepsi!!!!! I was so so so so so so excited when I saw that. Yes, it's the simple things that amuse me.

So Craig and I went on this Jack the Ripper tour that took us to the spots where he killed his victims and/or left evidence. I thought that the tour was just OK (it actually was pretty similar to a tour we did last fall with a bunch of people of "Haunted Cleveland") but it was interesting. After that we walked about 30 mins to get to the train station to take us back to our hotel. In all we were gone over 12 hours today...last time I walked around that much I was in Boston.

And right now I am going thru the 60+ emails that I got today to make sure nothing is related to tomorrow's meeting. So far so good, so I think that I'm going to turn in in a few. Sorry this post isn't as detailed or engaging as it could be, but like I said, I'm pretty beat from us walking around for over 12 hours. Talk to you tomorrow!!



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