The Davis Daily

Sunday, May 18, 2008

What a weekend!

Man, I think that this was my most productive weekend in years! Friday night we hung out with Angel and Jason and a few of their obviously nothing got done that night. And then yesterday and today I was on a TEAR...yesterday I washed all my winter clothes and put them away, cleaned out the spare room, cleaned our dining room, and cleaned the kitchen. Today I painted the woodwork and ceiling in the spare room, washed more clothes, cleaned out our bathroom closet, shopped for landscaping and furniture supplies, and cleaned out the fridge. I know that for a lot of people things like this aren't a big deal, but since I have never been one to clean when not necessary it's a big deal when I go on a binge like this. Or as Craig said, "Seriously, what's wrong? Are you OK??" So I feel really good and productive right now. : )

Besides doing stuff around the house, we've been pretty mellow. Just taking Otis to obedience classes on Mondays (he's really started settling in now, and being so much better behaved. He's still needy which drives Craig crazy, but at least he's not peeing in the house anymore.), I've been taking some cardio and stretching classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays (getting my ass moving again), and then just whatever comes up. Like baby shower planning for my friend Gina.

It's pretty nice to have a summer where there's not a ton going on...the only things I see on the horizon is Gina's baby shower and Max's sister Hazel's baby shower in late summer/early fall. Other than those, I'm planning on working on the front yard this week (changing some of the landscape) and enjoying a nice long weekend for Memorial Day. I don't think we have too much going on for the holiday weekend, just going to Angel and Jason's for a cookout on Saturday (for which I will make the famous Perry potato salad), and then to a cookout at our friend Chris' on Sunday. Maybe another one at my mom's on Monday, but we'll see.

I'm going to wrap this up now, seeing that it's 11pm and I have to go to work in the morning. Talk to y'all later, and keep it classy. : )

P.S. How funny does the new Adam Sandler movie look?!? I think we're going to see it opening weekend with Jeff and Kristen.


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