The Davis Daily

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

As I promised, here are some of the pics from Max & Angie's baby shower. Enjoy!

All of the presents that they got. And some didn't even fit into the frame...

"Yippee, we get to open presents! Wait, didn't we just do this for our bridal shower?"

Security was there to make sure nothing got out of hand.

Gifts, gifts, gifts:

Max is honing his skills...

We are family...

Angie and our mom, aka Grandma, aka Nana

...I got all my sisters and me.

Me, Angie, and Rachel

Max's sister Hazel, Max, Angie, Max's mom (aka Grandma aka Lola), and Max's sister May (who is due in September)

Monday, March 19, 2007

My annual plea...

It's that time of year again where I test my fund-raising skills for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS, or MS for short). Last year, due to the generosity of my family and friends, I raised almost $500 which was the most on my team of 35 people. So my goal this year is to actually reach $500. C'mon guys, help me get bragging rights two years in a row!

Since most of you know my story I'll just give a quick recap: this will be the 9th year I've participated in the MS Walk. I got involved because my friend Kathy's dad was diagnosed with MS a few years ago. I've known Kathy for 16 years, so I've seen her dad's progression from healthy to being diagnosed to now living with MS. For the most part my family and friends are healthy, so seeing someone go through a life-long illness with no cure is a huge eye opener and a reminder that we're so lucky...

So I am asking for anyone who is able to donate, no matter the amount. I know money is tight for a lot of us (Craig and I are struggling, friends are getting married, and babies are being born) but really, every bit counts. A lot of my donations last year were $5. Honestly, anything you donate is appreciated.

I will be taking donations until April 20th, with the MS Walk happening on the 28th. In the interest of full disclosure, I won't know if I'll be walking until the last minute. I will be in NYC for work on the 24th and 25th, and my sister is due to give birth the weekend of the walk. So it will be a last-minute decision. I hope that doesn't deter anyone from donating, but I wanted to clarify that in case anyone was going to donate per mile walked.

Thanks so much in advance for anyone who will donate, and I will send a reminder email a week before the walk. Thanks again, and please pass this on to anyone you feel may be interested in donating.


Friday, March 16, 2007

*Beer Prayer for St. Patrick's Day (structured like "Our Father")

Our lager,
Which art in barrels,
Hallowed by thy drink.
Thy will be drunk,
(I will be drunk)
At home as in the tavern.
Give us this day our foamy head,
And forgive us our spillages,
As we forgive those who spill against us.
And lead us not to
But deliver us from hangovers.

For thine is the beer,
The bitter and the lager.
Forever and ever.

*Thanks to Kiki and Nicki and be safe tomorrow everyone!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Life is so "Cray-zay..."

What a CRAZY past few weeks I've had. First I was helping prepare for a conference in Dallas that took place last week, so I've been working from home during the evenings and on weekends for the last couple of weeks. Additionally Max & Angie's baby shower was this past Saturday so I was working concurrently on that. So I was in Dallas last Tuesday and Wednesday, and then took off Thursday and Friday to finish the baby shower prep. Good thing I did because I had a bunch of stuff to do. But it was all totally worth it since her shower was awesome (I'll post the pics when I get them from Angie). And I have to give credit where it's due, and a TON of it goes to Max's sisters, Hazel and May; his mom, my mom and Rachel. It was such a collaborative effort that I really don't think that it would've been as successful if even one of us were missing. So snaps to us! :)

So what's next now that the conference and baby shower are over? Why, a bridal shower this Sunday and start planning a conference in NYC for late April of course! The bridal shower is for my friend Gina, who I've known since we were 11 and in the sixth grade. I think it's awesome that after 17 years we're still friends, and it's something that I'm really proud of. And I feel so honored that she asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding in May...

And about 2 weeks before the wedding I'll be in NYC for a two-day conference with my company. And that conference will be taking place riiiight around when Angie is due to give birth, so it'll be interesting to see how this all plays out. I don't want to miss the birth of Baby Max for ANYTHING, so I'm hoping Angie makes it to her due date which is a couple of days after I get back.

Basically there's been a lot going on. Craig lost his job a couple of weeks ago so he's been really focused on finding a new one for a better company (the last one left much to be desired). He's had about 5 interviews since Thursday, so that's good. Remember when I said in my New Year's post that I wanted to get my bills paid? Well, don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. : ) But honestly, I told Craig that as long as we have each other (and Milo, although sometimes I can take him or leave him) and are healthy than we could live in a cardboard box for all I care. I've learned that life doesn't mean as much if you don't have your loved ones to share it with. If being rich or wealthy meant being lonely or miserable, I would stay where I'm at now, struggling but happy. I've learned that lesson the hard way...

I'll just address one more thing before I sign off. Since my younger sister is pregnant I've had people ask me when I'm having kids. I really and honestly don't mind the questions, probably because if it wasn't me I'd be asking too. : ) Craig's and mine original plan was to start in late spring, but with my health issues and and our financial worries that plan might be pushed back a bit. We figure that I'm still young (28 in July) so we have some time. Plus Craig is in school at night, and I really would want him to be there and be able to experience everything, which would be hard to do if he works during the day and goes to school at night. So we'll see. I have so many friends with kids that I still get my fix, like my soon-to-arrive nephew, my neighbors' two boys, my co-workers kids, and my friends Kathy and John kids, Kayla and Lil' John. AND, I just found out on Sunday that they are expanding their brood since Kathy is pregnant with their 3rd child! She should be due in October, close to the 3 other weddings we have and the other baby that is due in September. : ) As busy and crazy as life gets, I love it! Davis out.

P.S. I think I'm so giddy and high on life right now is because it's 70 degrees outside. But before we worry too much about this anomaly, it'll be back in the 30s by the end of the week. : (