The Davis Daily

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Yo yo yo...

Whaddup homies? Long time no talk. So much has been going on. First (and most importantly), Craig's dad had his cancer surgery on May 14th, so while he's been in the hospital - he's still there - we've been playing host to Craig's sister Debbie and their dog Molly. It's been kinda chaotic with Debbie and Molly around...our small little bungalow has been holding 3 adults and 3 dogs. Crazy! Debbie is with Brian and Kim now (we still have Molly), and hopefully Bill will be home soon, as he was supposed to be moved to a rehabilitation unit this past Sunday. But when he does come home, I think he's going to have a portable IV stand with him and be on bed rest, so things won't get back to normal for a while. The prognosis looks good so far, and the surgery went well, so we're thankful for that.

The other big thing going on in our life is the whole "we're trying to have a baby" thing. Still not successful, and we actually did an insemination procedure (not IVF) a couple of weeks ago with no luck. I'm pretty drained mentally and honestly just tired of trying so hard (counting days, tons of blood work, peeing on sticks, scheduling days to be "intimate", taking fertility meds, etc.) so we're going to take a break for this summer. We're not stopping trying, but we're just going to let whatever happens happen without the help of the medical community. And if nothing happens by September, we'll go back to the doctor.

I actually feel TONS better after we made this decision. I was really getting stressed to the point where each month I felt like I was having a miscarriage. It's just so heartbreaking to want something so badly like a child and be denied for a year and a half (so far). Yeah, I know there's a reason for everything but it just plain SUCKS. So if anyone is still out there and reading this, don't take your fertility for granted...not everyone is so lucky. : ) But honestly, I feel as if a HUGE weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and just feel so OK with our decision. I really think it'll be beneficial for us to get back to being a couple instead of two people stressed out about having a kid. I kinda think it was taking a toll on our relationship and I want to just spend time being happy and stress-free (or as stress-free as possible) with Craig and just enjoy the summer without tons of tests and lab work. Craig has been great about the whole thing, and I know how lucky I am to have someone not put pressure on me or get super-upset about the situation. So we'll see what happens!

I have to say I am really looking forward to the summer. I have a bunch of time off and I can't wait to just relax. Plus I'll be THIRTY! Actually looking forward to that too. I see good things coming up for us in the next few months, so I'm just going to be appreciative of what I do have and thankful that my family is here with me and healthy. : )

God bless everyone!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes onnnnnnn....

Yeah, that's all I can really say right now. I have to admit, it's kinda nice to not have too much going on like weddings and such. It lets us focus on helping Craig's dad get better (he has surgery next Tuesday, May 5th) and getting stuff done around the house. And can you believe that it's May already?!? It's seriously scary how fast time flies now. But this is a big year for me and a few of my friends: Kathy, Gina, and I are all turning 30! Kathy's is actually next week on the 5th, while Gina is 2 weeks before me on July 16th. It's amazing to think that I've been friends with them for over half of my life...Gina since I was 11 and Kathy since I was 12. Even though we're not as in touch as we used to be since they have kids now, every time we get together it's like we pick right up. It's dorky to say, but I'm really proud of having friendships last this long.

Besides the big 3-0, the other big event this summer is that Craig and I are going on vacation!! We haven't been on a long vacation since our honeymoon (London last year was only a few days, plus the travel time), so in August we're going to Hilton Head, SC. Yay!!!!! Seriously, I'm soooo excited. I told Craig that I wanted to go somewhere warm and with a beach, and since we've never been there, off we're going! Five nights, six days to be exact. We got some GREAT deals too: my flight was free because of accumulated air miles from work travel, Craig's was only $300, and we have a friend who works for the Hilton hotel chain who let us use his family and friend discount for $74 per night! We figured that we'd make it a celebration vacation since I'll be turning 30 and we'll be married 5 years in October. So I cannot wait!! Can you tell I'm excited?

Anyhoo, that's enough excitement for now as my lunch is over and I need to get back to work. Talk to you all later!

Peace out.

Monday, March 23, 2009

I am a horrible person!!!

I feel like I'm continuously apologizing for not updating enough! To say it's been crazy is an understatement. I have a new manager at work, have been on jury duty, Craig's been busy, and a whole bunch of other life stuff. The biggest thing is that Craig's dad has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer, so trying to help him and Craig's sister Debbie out has been pretty time-consuming. They think that they can treat the cancer, so that's really good news to hear. Still working on operation baby, and that's been pretty tough the last couple of months too. So basically, the month of February was the worst and we couldn't have waited for it to end. : )

Anyhoo, I have to get back to work (yes, I'm still working), so I'm going to try and be better about posting in the future.


Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Happy Holidays from the reasons for the season!

Hey everyone, sorry so late with this post. Moms was busy doing things like cleaning the house, getting her car fixed, playing with her new Wii (oh yeah, I said it), and blah, blah, blah. As far as I'm concerned there's no reason why she can't drop everything that she's doing to help us wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. So we called her at work while she's at lunch and she agreed to help us put up our post now. Because frankly, waiting any longer would be embarrassing.Let's start at the beginning, shall we?

Here we are after our Thanksgiving meal:

Me and Daddy tell Otis he looks like a beached whale. Hee hee (Roxanne's note: he's not fat!! He's part stocky breed!). But I luuuuv Thanksgiving: Daddy makes sure to get me all these leftover scraps of turkey, potatoes and gravy, corn, and homemade bread. This year I had to share with Otis though...and even though I was pissed at first (I don't like to share), I remembered that this was his first Thanksgiving with a family. So I let it slide this year, but from now on it's on like Donkey Kong.

Usually Christmas is after Thanksgiving, but not in my case!!!! My 4th birthday was Dec. 22nd...Moms made me doggie-safe carob brownies in celebration (why does she keep saying how pathetic it is that they make such a big deal over us??). So it was like one big party from Thanksgiving on!!

And so then Christmas came. I have to admit that it was weird sharing it with a brother, but I guess for the most part he's been OK (Otis: I am so happy and thankful for my family, and I can't imagine my life without them!! And I think I love Milo more than he does me...). Gee, thanks for making me look bad, bro. Ahem. Anyway. Here are some of our pics from Christmas. All you need to know about how we spent Christmas vacation can be summed up like this: treats, sleeping, treats, sleeping, walks, sleeping, more treats, and new toys. Good times!

Moms made us wear these silly-looking hats:

We HATE hats. Even Otis' whiny a$$ wouldn't wear it. And don't I look crazy here??

But deep down we love our Mommy!!

We CAN get along when we want (or are being bribed with treats to stay still):

Peace to all my b****es. Remember: it's my world, you just live in it.
Otis: Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good year!!!! Thanks to all of you who have accepted and loved me!!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year and a belated Merry Christmas!!

So sorry for the lateness!! I will be posting holiday pics this weekend...just been crazy for me this week trying to get caught up around the house while I'm off of work. So you'll be hearing from me soon!


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Where does time go???

Hey Everyone! I feel like such a liar, since I said that I would do another post Thanksgiving weekend but I never got around to it. It's been kinda hectic lately, with the holiday season and all. But I will be off of work the week between Christmas and New Year's, so hopefully I'll have time to post some pics too (although I can't find my camera battery charger, so I can't even turn the thing on).

There's not a whole lot going on with us...we're getting kind of lame as we get older. :) Just living life and doing our holiday thing. Still no baby for us (for those of you wondering), but I'm on month three of fertility meds so hopefully that'll work. Everything looks to be OK with with both Craig and I, so I figure it's just a matter of timing (and probably stress on my part). I have to admit I'm kinda bummed it's taking this long, although I knew that this could happen due to my thyroid. But I have a really good doc who is determined to help me get pregnant, so I figure it'll happen when it's supposed to. I've pretty much decided to stop worrying about it and let it happen. :)

While we don't have any human babies, we do have two canine ones. Milo and Otis actually have a post they are putting together, so keep an eye out for that. And then as we all know, Christmas is next week. I'm actually really excited this year...Maximo should be old enough to know how to unwrap gifts and have fun with his toys. And even though Craig and I scaled WAY back this year, of course I went overboard on my nephew!! It's you get older you get more and more jaded and the holidays don't feel that special anymore, but once there's a kid involved it's fun again! Seriously, I babysat him the other night and had a blast just watching him watch TV! Plus he's really starting to talk now so it's really cool to hear him verbalize thoughts and such. I love him. : )

I guess that's it for now...I'm kinda beat after baking and cooking all day so I'm headed off to bed. Talk to you guys later!

Peace out.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I hope that everyone has a very fun (and filling) Thanksgiving. Hopefully you're with the ones you love and are thankful for. For me, that's my mom, Angie & Rachel, my favorite person ever Maximo, Craig, Milo & Otis, and the many friends that I have that would take too long to list here (but you know who you are).

Again, love you guys and you should be seeing another post this weekend.
