The Davis Daily

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes onnnnnnn....

Yeah, that's all I can really say right now. I have to admit, it's kinda nice to not have too much going on like weddings and such. It lets us focus on helping Craig's dad get better (he has surgery next Tuesday, May 5th) and getting stuff done around the house. And can you believe that it's May already?!? It's seriously scary how fast time flies now. But this is a big year for me and a few of my friends: Kathy, Gina, and I are all turning 30! Kathy's is actually next week on the 5th, while Gina is 2 weeks before me on July 16th. It's amazing to think that I've been friends with them for over half of my life...Gina since I was 11 and Kathy since I was 12. Even though we're not as in touch as we used to be since they have kids now, every time we get together it's like we pick right up. It's dorky to say, but I'm really proud of having friendships last this long.

Besides the big 3-0, the other big event this summer is that Craig and I are going on vacation!! We haven't been on a long vacation since our honeymoon (London last year was only a few days, plus the travel time), so in August we're going to Hilton Head, SC. Yay!!!!! Seriously, I'm soooo excited. I told Craig that I wanted to go somewhere warm and with a beach, and since we've never been there, off we're going! Five nights, six days to be exact. We got some GREAT deals too: my flight was free because of accumulated air miles from work travel, Craig's was only $300, and we have a friend who works for the Hilton hotel chain who let us use his family and friend discount for $74 per night! We figured that we'd make it a celebration vacation since I'll be turning 30 and we'll be married 5 years in October. So I cannot wait!! Can you tell I'm excited?

Anyhoo, that's enough excitement for now as my lunch is over and I need to get back to work. Talk to you all later!

Peace out.