The Davis Daily

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I hope that everyone has a very fun (and filling) Thanksgiving. Hopefully you're with the ones you love and are thankful for. For me, that's my mom, Angie & Rachel, my favorite person ever Maximo, Craig, Milo & Otis, and the many friends that I have that would take too long to list here (but you know who you are).

Again, love you guys and you should be seeing another post this weekend.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

For those of you still with me, bathroom pics!!

Sorry for the radio silence over the last month, but I'm not exaggerating when I say that work was crazy. I was helping pull together a conference that took place in Vegas last week, so I would work till 6-6:30, come home and chill for a bit, and then work from 9-11pm. But now that this conference is over (and was very successful, thank you very much) I have a life again! So posting should resume to a more regular and frequent schedule going forward.

Anyhoo, we finished the bathroom the beginning of October, so you can click on the below link to see the transformation. Please let me know in the comments section if you have issues viewing. Will have a new post soon, and thanks for sticking around!!!