The Davis Daily

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Oh boy, where to begin...

So yeah, it's been a while since I've posted and so much has happened or is happening. I guess first I still owe my loyal readers my final thoughts on London. So I've listed the Cliffs Notes version below (in no particular order):

  1. Never go to London during the summer (a.k.a. tourist season). It's insanely crowded and extremely annoying trying to get around and through the crowds.
  2. Plan ahead!!!! Know what you what you want to see and plan for a lot of time to do it. Think NYC busy times two.
  3. I hate to lump and stereotype groups of people, but BASED ON OUR EXPERIENCES, believe everything you hear about rude British people. Pushy, impatient, and seemingly don't know the words "excuse me" or "thank you." Part of the difficulty in getting around was the lack of help from others.
  4. Bring lots of money!!!! Again, think NYC expensive but given the current currency exchange, multiply prices by two. So if a beer is 5 pounds, that's really $10 USD. And the best way to exchange your money or pay for things is to not use your credit card, but to use your ATM card over there to withdraw the correct currency. You'll get hit with the least amount of currency exchange fees.

So even though that seems to be a negative assessment of our trip, I have to say that that Craig and I had a blast and are SO glad that we went. It was an awesome trip and we saw so much, and it feels unreal that we were there. Plus it was great to get away. I would totally go again, and just have a better plan of what I want to see. I do recommend it if anyone gets the chance to go!!!

So let's see what else is happening. One of my best friends since I was 11 (almost 20 years!!), Gina, and her hubby Scott had their first child this past Thursday! Gavin Robert Bayless was born on Thursday evening at 9:23 p.m. weighing 6 lbs. and 12 oz. He is such a little cutie...I think he looks like Gina's brother, or at the very least her side of the family, but it always takes time to see how features come thru. But I am SO happy for her and Scott...they are honestly going to be wonderful parents, and I hope that Craig and I will have a child of our own soon so Gavin and the little Davis can grow up together like Gina and I did (or if we have a girl, grow up together and then get married). :) Being the sap that I am, I started tearing up every time I thought of my oldest friend being a mommy now and everything else in life we've been through together. So my most sincere congrats to Gina and Scott, and I wish them every happiness and joy that comes with being a mommy and daddy!!!!!!

OK, let's start wrapping this up. The final big thing going on right now is that we're FINALLY starting to remodel our bathroom. Craig and I went to Lowe's today and bought everything we need, from tub to drywall to sink to tile. Lots of stuff. Craig and I are beat from lugging it all in, and tomorrow will be worse when I go to start tearing down (Craig is giving me full run of the project, which is nice since that means I get to do whatever I want in there). Another nice thing is that our friend Jeff's dad is going to help us with it, which is great to have someone with expertise helping us. I'm pretty familiar with doing stuff like hanging drywall, mudding and sanding, etc., but having Poppa G (which is what we call his dad) help will mean that areas I'm lacking (like plumbing) will make sure that they get done correctly. And you best believe that I'll be posting before and after pics of the bathroom once I'm done!

So anyhoo, that's about it for now. Hopefully I can get back on a regular posting schedule soon, but it most likely won't happen till after the bathroom is done. Which hopefully won't be too long. :) So take care everyone and enjoy the last few days of summer while you can!!


Saturday, August 09, 2008

Links to London pics...

I know that I still owe a post about my final thoughts about London, but it's been really crazy at work this week catching up, so I will soon (hopefully).

In the interim, here is a link to our pics from London. If you have any issues viewing just let me know.

I'm out.