The Davis Daily

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

What's new, hot stuffs?

It's been awhile since I've posted anything, and as you can imagine it's because of our newest addition, Otis. It's been pretty hectic getting him used to Milo, training him around the house, and keeping him from escaping from his cage. Somehow Houdini here has been getting out of his cage while we've been gone, leaving us to come home to mass destruction (think of whole bags of M&Ms, 3 boxes of cereal, etc.). So we had to buy a combo lock to reinforce the cage shut. So far so good. He's still trying to get the concept of letting us know when he needs to go outside...he'll go when we let him out, but he doesn't know how to let us know, like bark at the door like Milo does. He starts obedience classes next week so hopefully that'll go a long way with the counter-surfing and accidents.

I still feel like I'm playing catch-up from when I was out of town a few weeks ago. First I was in Houston, then I came home for a day and then went to Florida (near Tampa Bay) for a week for more training. It was an awesome session...I learned so much and had such a great time. Met some more colleagues to network with and party with while we were there. I think I averaged 3-4 hours a night the entire week. Next up is a week in Atlanta in a couple weeks. I may get to go to a Braves game while I'm there. Crossing my fingers...

Other than Otis not much is new around here. Craig has been at his new job for a few weeks now and really liking it (I'm liking the overtime paychecks!). No baby for us yet, but hopefully soon. It's about time to start doing work outside, so I'll be working on fixing our retaining wall and putting grass seed in the front. We're finishing up one of our spare rooms too (which will eventually be the nursery) by adding a ceiling fan and touching up the ceiling and woodwork. The bathroom is on the schedule to be done in June. Hopefully.

I guess the other big thing is that Maximo will be one on the 26th. I swear, my nephew is the most awesome thing ever. He's starting to walk now, has a bunch of teeth, saying da-da, and has had his first haircut. He's growing up so fast!!! I can't wait for his birthday so I have an excuse to buy him a bunch of stuff. : )

So I guess that's it for now...I should get going and do some laundry. The joys of being an adult...
