The Davis Daily

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Man, it's been crazy around here. Had some travelling to do for work (Houston and Orange County in the last 3 weeks), got sick AGAIN with a particularly nasty strain of the stomach flu (but on the flip side I lost 4 pounds!) first week of December, Maximo was baptized this past Sunday, which took place during a raging blizzard, and then we have just been getting ready for Christmas. And knock on wood, but I think that my shopping is done!

Anyhoo, I have some pics of our Christmas tree that I want to post. It seems like I always get a tree that's too tall. Since we always get a real tree, the 6 foot trees look too small to me. So our tree this year is about 8 feet tall. Craig likes to make fun of me since I can never tell how tall the tree really is. Oh well. I also have some pics of Maximo's baptism that I want to put up here.

The good news is that my firm will be closed during the week between Christmas and New Year's, so I'll be on vacation beginning Friday afternoon till January 2nd! Yippee! And what will I be doing during that time? Cooking and cleaning. Baking cookies and making pierogies, and giving my house a thorough scrub-down. It's sad when I'm actually looking forward to cleaning my house. The joys of adulthood...

I guess that's it for right now. I'm at lunch so I should get back to work. And don't forget people: Milo turns 3 on Sunday and he looooooooooves treats. :)
